
Visualizzazione dei post da novembre, 2023

From Colds to COVID: Saline's Dual Role in Prevention and Recovery

  STORY AT-A-GLANCE According to recent research, gargling and rinsing your nasal passages with saline can ease the respiratory symptoms of COVID-19 and reduce your risk of hospitalization The hospitalization rate among those gargling and irrigating their sinuses four times a day for 14 days, using 2.13 grams of salt dissolved in 8 ounces of warm water, was 18.5%. Those who used 6 grams of salt had a hospitalization rate of 21.4%. The untreated reference population had a hospitalization rate of 58.8% Nasal irrigation and gargling with hypertonic saline has also been shown to reduce the duration of the common cold by 1.9 days and reduce transmission within the household by 35% when done within 48 hours of symptom onset Irrigating your sinuses with povidone-iodine has also been shown to reduce COVID hospitalization rates Nebulizing hydrogen peroxide may be the most effective strategy of all. In most respiratory infection cases, improvement is seen within a few hours. Some of your imm...

Pfizer and Moderna Caught 'Paying Off' These Organizations

  Exposed: Pfizer and Moderna Caught 'Paying Off' These Organizations It looks like there's broad support for vaccines, but is there really? Discover how consumer, medical and civil rights organizations have been compromised - plus how AI is being leveraged to flag vaccine-related conversations on 150 million websites across the globe. How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse STORY AT-A-GLANCE Pfizer financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates, thereby creating the false appearance of broad support Moderna controls the vaccine debate and influences vaccine policy by working with a third party nongovernmental organization (NGO) called Public Good Projects (PGP), which monitors and censors online discussions about the COVID shots on Moderna’s behalf Moderna has also retained an online monitoring company called Talkwalker that uses artificial intelligence to monitor and flag vaccine-related conversations across 150 mill...

Marcia funebre in EUROPA

  APPROVATA LA REVISIONE DEI TRATTATI EUROPEI Vogliono inserire follie woke, idiozie green e assistenzialismo nei trattati europei. 1) VERSO UN'EUROPA SEMPRE PIÙ WOKE E DISTOPICA   Più di un anno fa la commissione europea ha approvato una risoluzione che permette di revisionare i trattati dell'UE . Le modifiche che volevano introdurre modificheranno radicalmente l'unione europea, sottraendo sempre più margine di autonomia e sovranità agli stati imponendo il piano d'azione dei diritti sociali , diverse politiche woke, riassunte in 20 pilastri , che serviranno per diffondere assistenzialismo, discriminazione verso gli uomini in nome dell'uguaglianza di genere ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) mirate però a favorire le donne in ambito lavorativo imponendo alle aziende di avere almeno il 40% di donne nel settore non esecutivo e il 33% nei direttori esecutivo. Sono previste sistemi di welfare speciali per le donne e il combattere solo la violenza verso le donne , perché quella contro gli u...


TRE PROVE CONCRETE PER METTERE SOTTO INCHIESTA CONTE, DRAGHI E SPERANZA Riepilogo il contenuto dei 3 documenti originali, ora a disposizione di tutti, che inchiodano le Istituzioni italiane alle loro responsabilità. 1) Contratto firmato da Pfizer e Comunità Europea nel Novembre 2020. Nel contratto Pfizer specifica che i farmaci ad RNA da iniettare in doppia dose non hanno alcuna sperimentazione specifica e non se ne conoscono gli effetti collaterali a breve medio e lungo termine. Si impegna a monitorare strettamente gli affetti avversi e via via comunicarli ma fa ricadere le responsabilità sull’acquirente. 2) Il Ministro Speranza il 2 Gennaio 2021,a neanche un mese dalle affermazioni della Pfizer, emana un decreto ministeriale in cui raccomanda di presentare il farmaco in modo proattivo, sottolineando che non vi è stata alcuna deroga alla sicurezza, quindi il farmaco sarebbe da ritenersi sicuro ed efficace (esattamente il contrario di quanto affermato dalla Pfizer). 3) Pochi giorni or ...

We Must Never Forget

  Lies, Lunacies and Laughable Rules of the Pandemic From dubious vaccine promises and staged PR narratives about risks, to eccentric retail regulations, mobility restrictions and even schoolchildren playing instruments with masks bearing cut-out holes - let's traverse the fascinating, often baffling, labyrinth of our recent pandemic past. STORY AT-A-GLANCE One of the most egregious lies spread by mainstream media hosts and health authorities like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Rochelle Walensky was that the COVID “vaccine” would stop the spread of infection, thereby ending the pandemic. It was a provable lie, because none of the COVID shots had ever been tested to see if they could prevent the spread of infection As hospitals filled up with “vaccinated” individuals who were supposed to be immune, the PR slogan “Pandemic of the unvaccinated” was endlessly circulated — until the reality of the situation finally became too obvious to ignore. The...