Intelligence Agencies Now Work With and for Big Pharma
Moderna’s information control network also includes an internal "global intelligence" division, run by Nikki Rutman, whose CV9 includes 19 years as an intelligence analyst for the FBI and other intel agencies. She’s also served as an adviser on terrorism to the director of National Intelligence, and as a counterintelligence analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Rutman joined Moderna in March 2022. During Operation Warp Speed, she worked at the FBI’s Boston office, which held weekly "cybersecurity" meetings with Moderna. Other former law enforcement agents have also joined the vaccine maker in the wake of Operation Warp Speed. As noted by Fang and Poulson:10
"The involvement of former law enforcement reflects a wider trend in the misinformation-space, as the Department of Homeland Security and FBI have increasingly leaned on social media platforms to shape content decisions as a national security issue."
Indeed, factually stating that the COVID shots have serious side effects and are killing people now earns you the label of "domestic terrorist," simply because such statements might make someone else think twice about getting the jab, and getting everyone injected is a top "national security" concern.
The whole thing is ludicrous, considering COVID-19 has a lethality on par with or lower than the seasonal influenza. There’s no medically valid reason to inject every man, woman and child, nor are there any valid national security reasons to do so since COVID-19 doesn’t have the ability to decimate the American population. On the contrary, the shots are doing that and most people can now see it.
Moderna Ratchets Up Surveillance in Face of Growing Resistance
However, even though COVID booster uptake has dropped into the low single digits and childhood vaccine exceptions are at an all-time high,11 indicating there’s a growing resistance to the entire concept of vaccinations, Moderna is not letting up.
Instead, it’s "ratcheting up its surveillance operation," according to Fang and Poulson. Its primary interest now is "anything relating to policies designed to coerce vaccination." For example, documents show Moderna is tracking elected officials who object to vaccine mandates, as well as new laws that restrict vaccine mandates. Fang and Poulson write:12
"‘Politicians attempting to ban COVID-19 mandates — or at least claiming to — signals growing resistance to COVID-19 mitigations,’ reads one of the Moderna alerts. Given the company avoided publicly commenting on the mandate debate, this is revelatory ...
[D]espite the growing backlash against social media censorship, the network of fact-checking nonprofits has grown at an industrial pace, providing opaque opportunities for private and public interests to take subtle control over the public discourse.
Such sophistication in blending public-health messaging and corporate advertising should concern anyone with an interest in how government controls free speech. ‘This is an interesting peek behind the disinformation industry, what it actually does,’ said Kheriaty, the bioethicist.
‘It’s about controlling a narrative, controlling the flow of information, controlling how people think about public policy, like the vaccine mandate, and how people think about a particular product that a corporation is profiting from,’ he added. ‘It’s deeply disturbing.’"
Big Pharma PR Company Funds Biased Speech Police
Big Pharma is also manipulating and censoring public discourse via another third party — the PR firm Publicis. The Publicis Groupe is one of the world’s largest communications groups.13 It represents most major drug companies and tech firms. Publicis is a partner14 of and the largest corporate investor in NewsGuard,15 which rates websites on criteria of credibility and trustworthiness, ostensibly to guide viewers to the "most reliable" sources of news and information.
NewsGuard has influential connections to The Paley Center for Media, which is composed of every major media in the world.16 NewsGuard is also partnered with the U.S. State Department, the U.S. Department of Defense and the World Health Organization.17
Publicis, meanwhile, is partnered with Google,18,19 which allows it the ability to bury undesirable views that might hurt its clientele, and the World Economic Forum (WEF)20 that is leading the call for a "reset" of the global economy and a complete overhaul of our way of life.21
One of NewsGuard’s CEOs, Louis Gordon Crovitz, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), yet another key player behind The Great Reset. Since its inception, the CFR’s goal has been to undermine U.S. sovereignty and national independence to usher in an all-powerful one-world government.
Over time, it’s become quite clear that NewsGuard’s role in The Great Reset is not only to barricade unpopular truth and differences of opinion behind closed gates, but also to force alternative media out of business. They do that by rating sites as "fake news" and drying up ad revenue by putting them on the BrandGuard exclusion list that Publicis shares with all its advertising clients.22,23
Publishers such as myself, who are critical of the drug industry, have a particularly large target on our backs, even when the information we share is backed up by published research and expert analyses.
The fact that NewsGuard is funded by Publicis makes its low ratings of alternative health sites highly suspect. Basically, Publicis is using NewsGuard to blacklist competitors to Big Pharma (its clients) with the intent to bankrupt them. Conversely, NewsGuard props up those willing to unquestioningly regurgitate drug industry PR.
WebMD is but one example. In February 2021, WebMD and Medscape (a division of WebMD Health Corp.) joined HealthGuard’s VaxFacts campaign "to identify and counter misleading vaccine information."24
HealthGuard is the health- and medicine-specific version of NewsGuard.25 It makes you wonder how much Publicis might be paying WebMD — one of the largest health websites in the world — to "guard you" from anyone with a differing opinion about how to get and stay healthy.
Transparency Is the Answer
The sad reality is that those who disagree with the mainstream narrative have now become "terrorists" that must be eradicated, lest the plan for the global technocracy’s control over the population — body, mind and soul — get pushed off-track by an unwilling public.
The answer to this situation is transparency. We must expose the machinations that allow this agenda to be pushed forward. Part of that exposure is looking at the role big PR companies like Publicis play in this scheme.
Another part is exposing how the censorship industry is being restructured into a "middleware model" where "content curation" (censorship) is simply outsourced to third-party organizations. This way, a "legal" disinformation compliance market is created while governments and big industries alike can claim they have nothing to do with the control of information.
As previously reported, what we’re looking at is the emergence of organized corporate censorship where artificial intelligence will scour the internet for undesirable views, down to the least-read blog.26 Soon, the internet will be completely homogenized, and you simply won’t be able to find information that conflicts with or provides any nuance to the official narrative on a given topic.
To have any chance of thwarting this plan, we must continue to push back against any and all efforts to legalize, standardize and normalize censorship. To vocally object, to refuse using middleware like NewsGuard, and to boycott any company or organization that uses middleware or engages in censorship of any kind.
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