
Visualizzazione dei post da giugno, 2023


  A : Dott. Alberto Bonsignore Presidente Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri Provincia di Genova   Dott. Filippo Anelli Presidente Fnomceo   Perché il dott. Matteo Bassetti deve essere sottoposto a procedimento disciplinare dall’ Ordine Professionale. Elenchiamo le violazioni alle più elementari norme del Codice Deontologico, a partire dal primo paragrafo del giuramento per cui il medico deve esercitare la professione in autonomia di giudizio e responsabilità di comportamento, contrastando ogni indebito condizionamento che limiti la libertà e l’indipendenza della professione e di curare ogni paziente con scrupolo ed impegno, senza discriminazione alcuna, promuovendo l’eliminazione di ogni forma di diseguaglianza nella tutela della salute. 1) ha consigliato e si è detto d’accordo con l’imposizione di un pro-farmaco genico sperimentale di cui ignorava i contenuti (tutt’ora coperti da segreto militare)violando le più elementari norme di prudenza (nel dubbio astieniti...

COVID Shots Associated With Increased Risk of Blindness

 COVID Shots Associated With Increased Risk of Blindness STORY AT-A-GLANCE The broad range of reported side effects of the COVID jab is astounding. Effects involve just about every part, organ and system of the body, including a range of eye problems The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s data mining of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) reveals reports ranging from eye discomfort, bruising and numbness, to serious conditions such as retinal vein and retinal artery occlusions, eye hemorrhage and retinal and ophthalmic migraines Two recent papers highlight the risk of ophthalmic vascular events, which can lead to blindness, following the COVID jab. Less than 20% of patients who experience central retinal artery occlusion, i.e., a blockage in the main artery of the retina, regain functional visual acuity i...

The WHO Takes Next Step Toward One World Government

  WHO Launches Digital Health Partnership With Europe STORY AT-A-GLANCE June 5, 2023, the World Health Organization and the European Commission announced the launch of a digital health initiative in which the WHO will establish a global COVID-19 vaccination certification system based on the European Union’s (EU) already existing Digital COVID Certificate This vaccine passport system will be expanded into a Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) run by the WHO that will include “a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.” The vaccine passport will also, in time, cover all recommended vaccinations WHO members have approved a $6.83 billion budget for the next two years, which will require a 20% hike in mandatory member fees The budget increase is needed because the WHO is being set up as the sole decisionmaker over public health globally through the proposed pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments, each of which reinfor...